The Belgians Remember Them ligne

Cénotaphe de Londres: L'Hommage de la Belgique

Le Lancaster PD 255-BQ-T tombé près de Düsseldorf
The Lancaster PD 255-BQ-T fallen to Düsseldorf

Les faits - The facts

* Vingt-sept avions et équipages ont décollé à approximativement le 2 novembre 1944, à 16.00 heures pour attaquer Düsseldorf, la ville commerciale principale de l'Allemagne occidentale où les cibles sont les moyens de transport particulièrement développés dans cette région : transports ferroviaire et fluvial. L’importance stratégique de ce centre industriel et de communications nécessite l’intervention des bombardiers, en vue de paralyser les mouvements et l’approvisionnement des troupes allemandes basées sur le front occidental.
En route vers l'objectif, le temps calme, mais nuageux se dégagea vers 05 h 00, laissant la cible bien visible, grâce à un beau clair de lune. Ceci a permis aux bombardiers de lâcher leur cargaison au plus près des cibles au sol. La mission fut un succès, on a pu constater que le bombardement avait occasionné énormément de dégâts et de destructions, grâce aux nombreuses photographies prises des avions.
La Flak et les chasseurs allemands attaquèrent l’escadrille, et un seul avion a été touché, c’était le PD225-BQ-T du F/O Foster.
L'Etat-major du 550 n'avait reçu aucune nouvelle de cet avion, depuis son décollage et aucune indication n'est parvenue, concernant l'accident et le lieu exact du crash.

* Twenty seven aircraft and crews took off at approximately on November 2nd 1944, at 04.00 PM to attack DUSSELDORF the leading commercial city of Western Germany and has exceptionally good transport facilities both by railway and river. As a supply and concentration base for the Western Wall (Rhineland edition) it is therefore an excellent centre to eliminate. En route to the target the weather was good but cloudy which however cleared at 0500, leaving the target clear with bright moonlight and good visibility. Ground markers were punctual and clearly visible, placed accurately in the Marsalling yards area and very quickly a concentrated cloud of bomb smoke developed. This was added to in the later stages of the attack by the incendiary aircraft and the crews were enthusiastic about the fires which quickly took hold and emitted a rosy glow seen for almost 100 miles on the return journey. In addition light explosions were observed.
Flak was reported as light at first in a barrage later increasing to intense. Night fighters also put in an appearance; all our Air gunners were on the qui vive and successfully beat off any interference from them. Photographs were taken and brought back showing extensive fire tracks and enthusiastic. Verbal reports from the aircrews show that the attack should be yet another outstanding success.
It is regretted that F/Lt Foster and crew failed to return to base, nothing being heard of them since take-off.
The Staff of 550 didn't received any new concerning this plane, since the take-off, and any information could precise the circumstances and the place of the crah.

L'équipage - The crew

* L'équipage entier a été tué dans l'accident
Cinq hommes reposent au cimetière militaire de Rheinberg (D) et deux autres à celui d'Heverlee (B)
* The crew were all killed in the crash
Five of them are buried War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D) and two others in the War Cemetery of Heverlee (B)in Heverlee War Cemetery:


The War Cemetery of Rheinberg - Germany


The War Cemetery of Heverlee - Belgium

FOSTER Donovon John, Pilot Officer, 119550, died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,
Grave 7.C.1 - War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D)
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GADD Harry Albert George, Flying Officer, 152574 , died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,

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KINGMAN Philip Reginald, Sergeant, 1871565 , died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,
Coll. Grave 7.C.3-5 - War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D)
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LEONARD James, Sergeant, 2218704, died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,
Coll. Grave 7.C.3-5 - War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D)
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MORGAN Victor Charles "Ted", Sergeant, 1415228, died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,
Coll. Grave 7.C.3-5 - War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D)
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NEWCOMBE,Frederick Parkinson Sergeant, 148510, died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom,,

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PICK Sydney, Sergeant, 1621258, died in ops on PD255-BQ-T near Düsseldorf (D) 03/11/1944, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom, Grave 7.C.2 - War Cemetery of Rheinberg (D)
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Position des hommes à bord - Position of men on board

To the PD 255-BQ-T crew on web-site of the 550