The Belgians Remember Them ligne

Cénotaphe de Londres: L'Hommage de la Belgique

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Historical of the Association
The idea

Here are two and a half years which some people of Rebecq worked on the project of erection of a monument to the memory of the servicemen and the civilians, direct and indirect victims of the crash of a plane of the Royal Air Forces, in a meadow of “Stoquois”, at the dawn of May 28th, 1944. The idea had germinated ten years before in mind of Jean Frings, member of Rewisbique and specialist of the periods of both world wars. He wondered why there was nothing which reminded this event which upset the life of the village and which cost the life to five British and Canadian airmen and three local civilians. Without speaking about the absolute necessity of having a monument, it seemed to him alarming that our municipality did not realize what so many others, in Belgium, made at their time: REMEMBER! And more the time passed, fewer witnesses of this tragic period would remain to tell us what it had exactly happened.
He spoke about it to Wilfred Burie, the other member of the Historcal association and asks him for what there was means to make, besides numerous articles relative to the question, already published in the bulletin of the association, to repair this forgetting.

The project

It is so, that together, they elaborated an action plan to organize things. First of all, it was a question of presenting to the municipal authorities a structured project. The first phase of the project was elaborated:
The monument, where to implant it? They opted to suggest placing it around the immediate place of the crash.
The financing would be made by subscription, a financial support would be asked the municipality for the setting-up on the chosen site.
Who would take care of the operation?
The initiators propose that a committee consisted of members of associations interested in the project would be constituted. We would find the Rebecq’s Historical and Genealogy association, the various patriotic associations of the municipality, the Cultural Center of Rebecq and the association of historical pageant RHA there.
With Gilbert Hautenauve, President of Rewisbique, they went to the Mayor to present him the project. This one answered them that the idea was interesting, especially since the idea to inaugurate this monument in May would allow to advance the period of the liberation of 1944, while it is usually necessary to celebrate these events in November, the date of the armistice of the First World War.
Having known the amount of the budget which would require the operation, he proposed that the municipality takes care of expenses. It was decided that a meeting to which would be invited all the participants, above specified, is quickly made.

Préparation of the project

In September, 2009, the first meeting of the committee for the Memorial meets. The reasons and the objectives of the project were explained to it. Decisions were taken at once: Wilfred Burie would take care of the general coordination, the elaboration of the plans of the monument and of its realization and the contacts to be taken with the authorities susceptible to be concerned by the project and its inauguration.
Jean Frings would prepare, with the Cultural Center and the Rewisbique), an exhibition redrawing the events. This exhibition would be mainly intended for the pupils of the schools of the entity of Rebecq, to impulse their awakening in our common history. The municipal Administration would take care of administrative questions such as the requests of licence to build, etc. After several meetings and the presentation of three different projects, it was decided that the monument, henceforth called " The Memorial of Rebecq " would be implanted on the western side of the square in the intersection of the road of Stoquois and the road of Blocu. The third project was held: it will represente a wall of steel the top of which would go by subsiding, by symbolizing in it the earth of Rebecq.
From behind, we would perceive the queue of a aircraft Lancaster which would remind the drama arisen in May, 1944. Commemorative plates would be fixed to the wall of steel: an explaining in a general way the reason of this monument, second speaking about British and Canadian victims and about the last one the remind of the names of Belgian victims of the raid of June 28th, 1944.

Projet n°1 du Mémorial de Rebecq
First and second project

Projet n°2 du Mémorial de Rebecq
The thirth will be remained: 5 meters lenght on 2 meters hight.
In the greatness of the sacrifice granted by those on whom this monument pays tribute
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